The number one reason why we are called into nonprofits today is to help find a solution to improve how their team works better together. In other words, they need a 360 degree view of their member, donor, and customer which is shared by everyone in the organization. In this article, we explore the impact of disparate data and discuss ways to help.
What is Disparate Data Syndrome?
DDS stands for Disparate Data Syndrome. It is an acronym for a serious ailment faced by many non-profit associations.
DDS is a very common condition whereby your association is overwhelmed by the use of multiple databases, spreadsheets, & disparate data sources. Due to the use of Disparate Data sources your organization is likely wasting time, money, and impacting your member retention. DDS is not an overnight ailment; rather it’s a gradual and progressive acquisition of various tool sets in order to stop the bleeding in your organization. The various tools are typically added by well-intended purposes and uses over time but ultimately cause of a very frustrating situation for staff, executives, boards and ultimately your members.
Common symptoms of DDS:
Your association has an excel spreadsheet for everything
You have an email marketing system which is not connected to our database or web site
You are constantly rekeying data from our General Ledger back/forth between our membership system
Your website has a separate database from our membership or donor system
You have a separate Event Management system
Your web content management system is a third party solution
DDS is by far the number one reason why associations contact SmartThoughts today. We believe it’s because Association Executives now understand the impact a non-integrated platform has on all stakeholders in the association (staff, executives, board members, membership, and volunteers).
No mas mi amigos, there is a better way!
Just 10 years ago, most small associations were simply looking for a way to put up a website. The times have changed very quickly.
Today, due to the common availability of SaaS Cloud technology, solutions are less expensive and this once elusive organizational goal of implementing one platform is now in the reach of even the smallest nonprofits today.
To reiterate, even small associations can find a solution to help eliminate Disparate Data Syndrome!
Options today to solve the problem
In fact, it’s not even a matter of is there a solution, but rather which association management platform is best suited for my particular organization.
SmartThoughts is well qualified to help in your efforts to eliminate DDS, and we can help find the right tool through our software selection services.
For most organizations, the important task of finding the right fit can be a confusing process to weed through the options.
There is no-doubt many association technologies on the market today. We are skilled at evaluating business requirements and formulating the proper path to take to ensure you avoid the pitfalls of DDS in your organization.
Please don’t procrastinate and suffer any longer with this ailment. Your non-profit does not have to delay in finding a cure for Disparate Data in your association any longer.
If you would like to learn more, please contact us for help with software selection services. Until then, keep SmartThoughts in mind.
