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Should we be fired? A progress report to our Nonprofit board

Writer's picture: Sr. Software Adviser Sr. Software Adviser

SmartThoughts is proud to help nonprofits searching for database software.

Our Fictional Letter to the NP Board

Dear Board Members (AKA Customer Advocates):

Today, we are excited because it marks the “6 month” anniversary of the launch of “SmartThoughts”. Yay!

It is my firm belief that every patron we serve is on the “The SmartThoughts Board”. Ultimately, you decide how well we are doing. And, you are our compass.

Therefore, in that spirit, I wanted to advise you “The Board” what we have done with the gifts you have bestowed upon me in the pursuit of delivering our mission. Our mission, of course, which is to shift the paradigm involved in the procurement of software and assist nonprofits in making smart software decisions.

First, in order to commemorate the event, I wanted to sincerely shout out a heartfelt thanks to all the nonprofits and business partners we have worked with over the course of the last 6 months in starting this entity together. It has been exciting and unnerving all at the same time. And, for those who have taken a “chance” on us, “lent me their ear”, provided me with “sage advice” or “raised their voice” in disagreement, I am truly thankful for your collaboration!

The metrics for review

Below you will find our report along with the services we have put in place for you during my first 120 days on the job:

Articles: We have prepared over 60 articles to help educate and provide assistance to associations & nonprofits on their software selection journey.

Technology Partners: We have partnered with many technology providers in order to develop a significant relationship of discovery about their solutions in order to transfer the knowledge to the community. Developed a very strong relationship and became a founding sponsor partner with the leading review site for Association Management Membership systems.

Developed Nonprofit Options List: We have put together a comprehensive listing of over 150 nonprofit and membership management software systems available for free to help in “The Search”.

Product Reports: We have prepared 5 comprehensive nonprofit software reports which are available for free on our site.

Education Based Events: We have held a dozen events designed to provide value on the software selection process and insights into managing them. And, one coming up next week as well!

Social Media: Connected with over #1200 new followers & 250 new linkedin connections, tweeted over #1500 times on topics of industry related items, and shared insights on industry focused collaboration sites. Free Software Advisement: We realize that not everyone needs a full assessment or paid consulting engagement. In our time, we have assisted over two dozens nonprofit executives who booked time with us either at the beginning of their “Search” or at the tail end to make a smart decision.

Software Assessments and Selection Engagements for Nonprofits: We have been blessed to actually make a little money too! Yes, we do have a family and we do have bills. So, we are pleased to have helped many organizations with our paid assessment services. Reviewed Solutions: Our goal is to review 2 new solutions every week. And, we have achieved that thus far. This is our goal and main focus so we are on top of the game here.

Built Smart Website: We have gone from zero visitors to thousands in the course of a 6 month time span which come to our site to read and learn. And, it’s still improving each and every day. Look for a rebrand in the future to make it even better!

To be sure, we are not done! And, we have much yet left to do for the community to improve. But, I believe this report is positive. We have great momentum shaping up in the ensuing months ahead for reaching out to future customer advocates and to assist existing customer advocates.

SmartThoughts needs your help!

In order to continue our “good fight” to help nonprofits succeed in software choices, I am personally requesting your help to spread the good word to others. If you believe we are on the right track here, I am asking each of you to retweet this note (or send our link) to any organization or person you know which may find value in the resources on our site and/or our services.

Your network is more powerful than you think, so take a moment and consider who you may know which may benefit from our services at this time. Then, please let them know.

I thank you in advance for doing this! Until the next report, please keep SmartThoughts in mind.


Chad Stewart, Founder

Software Selection Adviser

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Chad Stewart is the founder of SmartThoughts.


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