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Should Your Non Profit Rent Or Buy Database Software?
To be sure, how a 501c3 or 501c6 organization deploys and licenses database software is a critical decision in your nonprofit. In this...
Top 10 Signals Your Database is Done
Here are some clear signals that it’s likely time to review new association’s software.
What can 3 Idiots teach us about technology?
While working at a former company, I felt very fortunate to work with a diverse workforce. With this diversity, we are able to benefit...
When Should You Break-Up With Your Membership Software
With Valentine Day drawing near, I stumbled upon an oldie but goodie, “The Break-UP”. If you are not familiar with the movie, The...
Streamline and Organize Business Process Asssessments for Your Organization
Have you ever found yourself watching synchronized swimming during the Olympics? It’s about the only time you will ever do so, isn’t?...
Like Thanksgiving, Finding The Best Software Is Unique For Every Organization
The Best Software Is Unique For You! It’s Thanksgiving! It is that time of year when we are either heading off to the market (to pick up...
Are you seeking a partner or vendor?
We believe that your degree of happiness with your current system can often be measured by the relationship you have with your supplier....
5 Quick Tips For Selecting Database Software for Nonprofits
In the course of working with a client, consultants should be able to be direct. In this article, we want to do just that. There is a...
Key Tips in Selecting Membership Software for Nonprofits
Effective selection of Membership Software for nonprofits must start first with outlining exactly your vision and goals as they pertain to t
Is Lowest Price The Priority in Software Decisions?
Should you pay the least amount to get your desired results? We dig into why price should not be the most important decision in your nonprof
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